Social Innovation & Philanthropy
- Book Of Keyz | Changing the Mindset of citizens
Youth Empowerment
There's a thought Process & Sequence to our curriculums & teachings implemented under our contracted Programs.
Partnering with our Elite Program & B.M. has a selective process before establishing partnerships.
Reach 1 Teach 1 Program Partnership | Credit Presentation & Curriculum provided upon partnership consideration.
Mentorship Program Partnership | Curriculum provided upon partnership consideration.
B.M. Reach 1 Teach 1 Program & Mentorship Program
Serves to motivate the youth with tangible Imagery, utilizing Pillars of the community in leadership positions amongst different fields and disciplines who can further advise and steer them down particular career paths. In both programs, the curriculum is provided to students, with prior conversation and alignment with program faculty to asses and outline our target goal with steps per semester to conclude how our methods are utilized regularly. Our formula is unique, and through our partnership, we provide Proposals, Curriculums implemented to motivate fun educational ways of learning life teachings in conjunction with school courses and studies.
Book Of Keyz: Suggested Reading Not a Program Requirement
College Readiness book
Supreme Teaching consists of but is not limited to:
- Developing student's mindset: Ch 1 " Evolution Of The Mind
Psychology: Ch 2
-Increasing Financial Literacy: Intro, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 12, Chpt 13
- The enhancement of student's health: Ch 11: " Eat Clean " | Diet & Nutrition
- Entrepreneurship, Trillion Dollar " Buying Power " Ch 10, Ch 13,
- Prison Reform/Currently Incarcerated: Ch 8
- Building Self-esteem- Ch 3 "Purpose"
- Mindfulness & Literacy- "Knowledge is Power" Ch 12
This blueprint represents a tangible guide to Mentorship, Motivational Empowerment of Generational Wealth, Bridging the Wealth & Opportunity Gap from state to state and addressing local issues in underserved communities deprived of the best education. To create a global solution by redirecting their mindset into a more productive solution filled with substance. With the outcome of learning and seeing through a new lens and perspective.
The Book of Keyz deepens the impression of real-life values and life responsibilities not taught in school. Yet, the world expects you to know and rise to the occasion regardless if there is no program geared towards life teachings, financial literacy, economic advancement, and beyond.
We have various chapters diving into Friendship, Accountability, Mannerisms, Business Ethics, how to speak to the masses, Forgiveness, Avoiding Distractions staying focused on your journey, Foster Care, Cancer, the positivity of humbleness, Kids with Special Needs, Supreme Wisdom that has to be mentored through stages and degrees.
As we advocate for Career Development & College Readiness, we set the bar high to ensure the altitude of the youth trajectory becomes limitless as to whom they can work hard to become. Understanding that every student is from a different background & possibly challenged at home or with the wrong peer advice, a robust solution is essential. As a resource brought in by several schools were implementing a plan of action to end gun violence, peer pressure, suicide, depression, and a creative approach to learning. By partnering with our unique organization, we become a family and cater to many services and positions under our Reach 1 Teach 1 & Mentorship Programs.
Our Idol Awards: Serves as a motivational tool as we pair them with tailored certificates of encouragement to show them that a setback doesn't last forever and self-esteem starts with you. They are embracing their differences and finding happiness without altering their natural state.
The Reward of being a Paragon Leader
A resource to millions studying Life Teachings
We breed HOPE and represent PROGRESS. Motivation is the Motto. Bet on Yourself is our clarion call.

John Ehret High School
Marrero, LA
CTE Program & Business Course
Q&A | Notes
The "Great" Debate

Be Yourself Idol Award
Creative Awards: Building Self-Esteem & Confidence within the Youth & Kids With Special Needs.
Be Yourself Idol Award
Inspired by: A Modern Day Celebrity the youth admire. Serves as a motivational tool recognized by: Mayor LaToya Cantrell
Ms. Gissel
Honor's Student & Band Leader
Bestowed Upon: Alfred Bonnabel Magnet Academy High School Band & Orchestra
Trumpet Donation by: Blonka Movement
Certificate of encouragement
Advocating for Financial Literacy
Knowledge is Power & It's our duty to spark the thought behind the next leader of our time.

Prestigious Awards Bestowed Upon:
Kipp Renaissance High School
Frederick A. Douglass High School
Grace King High School
Raphael Academy
Partner & Request our Curriculum: Extensive breakdown of our popular formula. The Keyz to our approach is the Blonka Movement experience that can't be replicated. We've removed stone age approach and student takeaways are economically profitable with valuable first hand information with A Robust Plan Of Action securing their dreams and securing a solid foundation to stand on; introducing Financial Freedom.
Blonka Movement has been thy Pioneer in Addressing the Literacy & Economics Advancement Crisis Since 2009 through our Reach 1 Teach 1 Program. Teaching the many depths to Credit, Banking, Banking Language, Financial Freedom, Economic Advancement.
Through, but not limited two, the programs below.
(CCR) (AP) (CTE) (CCP) ( Jumpstart ) ( S.T.E.M )
Quest For Success
Redirecting "Incarcerated Youth" Advocating for Prison Reform, Foster Care, and more
Donated: Book Of Keyz Part 1 ( College Readiness Textbook )
Blonka Movement Reach One Teach One Program is a vital piece that identifies the disadvantages of the underserved communities and the local school system. Which can ultimately put scholars at a disadvantage socially; our program services as a resource to the CTE Program and work-based challenges but not limited to the alignment of Financial Literacy, Mentorship, and Success Development with our College Readiness Textbook called" Book Of Keyz Part 1".
Book Of Keyz teaches a Mindset for Success, Life Teachings, Soft Skills, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Mannerisms, and insight on having a more proactive and wise seeker mindset. Chapters of the book include Psychology, Evolution of the Mind, Buying Power, Prison Reform/Currently Incarcerated, Building A Solid Foundation, Knowledge is Power, Purpose, and many more. Our books are covered under the many programs and utilized in our work-based challenges and literature per suggested reading.
Work-based learning increases student engagement and supports college and career readiness. B.M. fosters collaborations among work-based learning coordinators across the state and provides the tools and support needed to drive classroom success.
Our curriculum is tailored to meet student and faculty improvement and economic advancement needs and has not been down in over a 100 years in most school system or at all per faculty feedback. Imagery and relatable representation are vital, and we incorporate our Mentorship Program to help navigate and be a resource for College Readiness and increase reading, social skills, and grade performance. Some students participating in the program subsequently connect with pillars of the community, local mentors across various fields and disciplines, which further advise and steer them down potential career paths the student show interest.
Many go on to College, Entrepreneurship and receive certificates of Successful Development Completion; in conjunction with WBL. In alignment with WBL, we present challenges to students and open up healthy dialogue, Q&A, critical thinking, training, and problem-solving techniques. Our community service hours are custom to our commitment to the program, including Zoom Calls, In-Person Presentations, Conference Calls, motivational practices, and putting a plan of action that bridges the Wealth and Opportunity Gap.
In conclusion, with our curriculum provided to the CTE department, we work hand in hand with the designated teacher and faculty. Homework is provided for critical thinking, problem-solving, and clarity on the criteria. During our meetings, we provide direct communication between the students and our staff, reassuring all questions and examples are provided to ensure students understand the how and why during their class session.
As part of our diverse approach to Reaching and Teaching every student, we provide certificates at the end of the course and prestigious motivation awards, such as our Idol Awards, Pandora's Highest Achievement Awards, etc., to rally and champion whom students can become. To redirect the youth off the street, we must start in the school system, where we study the data collected per school through our assessment and Q&A Approach tailored around the level of thinking in correlation to the student's current standing and background.
Their background helps us understand and explore where many of them have been and where some are. We teach that moments of adversity don't define you. What's in your control is your selection of company/peer, and the wrong crowd can alter and change the trajectory of your altitude. Mentorship is a crucial component implemented in our session to ensure we know students on a first-name basis.
The level of care we invest in reflects our consistent Legacy. The youth is limitless as to whom they can become, but they need guidance and reassurance from those who represent where they are trying to go. Our faculty goes above and beyond to get them to the next chapter and the next level of thinking to become the new change maker of today's society by keeping them socially and economically engaged in our fun process. Every piece, including faculty, is vital to their marathon. We must align as one for the greater good of producing productive citizens.
John Ehret High School

Award Presenter:
Hon. Judge Kern Reese
Loyola University

Reach One Teach One Program
Recepients: Formely, KIPP RENAISSANCE, dba, Frederick Douglass Senior High School
Featured Student: Drum Major "Christopher"
Acceptance to Morehouse
Excellent job, and remember to whom much is given much is required. Setting the tone and raising the bar high. Your efforts and dedication have redefined excellence. Continue leading by example and keep up the great work. Your leadership is commendable and I look forward to seeing your growth.

Highest Achievement Award Honoree's
Mr. Lester Wilson
The Blonka Movement is impressive to me because the focus is on people or groups in the community that do positive things. In my case, I like the awareness the Blonka Movement shared on me, my students, and my school, Kipp Renaissance. Too often, we see and hear about negative things that are happening in our communities. It is refreshing to see positive stories about people, organizations, etc. Keep up the good work. Please continue to show the work of dedicated teachers/students. Sincerely, Lester Wilson, Band Director at KIPP Renaissance High School​
Kipp Renaissance High School
( 2017)

Mr. Connor Murphy
Thank you so much for your recognition of the school, the band, and its members. I like the approach you are taking to draw the community's attention to music programs and their importance. Your recognition serves to motivate these students to continue putting their best efforts forth.
Connor Murphy
Grace King High School
Director of Music
Grace King High School
( 2018)

Mr. Philip Veneziano
On Valentine’s Day my special needs classroom was honored by the Blonka Movement. My students were expecting a small class party with the usual chalky-heart candy, exchanging cards, and creating something for their families. What they received instead was a party I’m sure they will remember for years to come. The Blonka Movement honored each student with a certificate celebrating their differences and a personalized Valentine’s Day basket, complete with chocolates and a stuffed animal etc. What stood out to me more than anything else, was the way Blonka and her associate became part of our class family. Instead of dropping off gifts, taking a few pictures, and leaving; they celebrated with us. Since that day, the Blonka Movement has maintained and fostered a relationship with my students. Students like mine don’t often get to experience this degree of love and dedication from people outside of their school community and for that I am eternally grateful.
-Phil Veneziano
Raphael Academy
( 2019-2020)
Alfred Bonnabel Magnet Academy High School
Band Director: Mr. F. Lewis
Thank you for visiting the Bonnabel Band today; you really left a strong impression on my students, much love.
- Mr. Frank Lewis

What is the idea behind the Reach One Teach One Program?
The inspiration behind our Reach One Teach One Program is influenced by the everyday role model who encourages everyone, including the youth, to "Be Yourself ." Were known for celebrating and embracing the differences and uniqueness within each kid with a higher learning standard known as special needs. Everyone, including the next generation, needs that friend in your head who projects the foundation, imagery, and grit it takes to make it to the next realm. We advocate for Mental Health and Suicide Awareness. As it relates to philanthropy, different Idols has laid the foundation and imagery for the African American community and more for a pathway to success, inspiring the youth to study, follow, surpass expectations while encouraging them to trailblazing a lane of their own. Our motto is an extension of the Reach One Teach One Awards & Mentorship Program; Be Yourself Idol Awards Influenced by positive Idol's that the youth look up to. These Idol awards challenge the adolescent mind, give them purpose and reaching triumph is inspiring to all. We must uplift this generation so we can demonstrate change within the Universe.
We are a platform that bridge the gap between different journies of many significant pillars and role models of ideal communities that have made a name and represent hope for the youth. Each paragon leader's influential award increases the graduation rate within the educational system—uplifting kids with a higher learning standard. B.M. is provoking change globally with an elite curated panel that presents an in-person representation to motivate the adolescent mind from engaging in unproductive activities. Every influencer was once a student, and we all are students of life.
The Founder of the Blonka Movement has been intrigued by different role models and their ability to be transparent and selfless, putting people first. Maneuvering through critics reaching triumph while teaching the Universe how to look past color and identify within the person's character.
As a token of our appreciation, we've implemented "Creative Awards" to connect & acknowledge the youth while creating change within the community, universities, public and private school system.
Prestigious awards are bestowed upon Paragon leaders in the community with an educational background that goes above & beyond to keep extracurricular programs and teacher who raise the bar. B.M. raises awareness towards Music, Band, and Orchestra; Special Needs Programs, Athletics while advocating for Mental Health Awareness and Prison Reform. The impact of being honored by thy: Blonka Movement Be Yourself Motto "has changed the perception of whom our youth can become, setting the bar higher." Imagery is supposed to start at home, but our eyes and ears gravitate to those we can see ourselves following in the footstep of, Humanitarians, Trailblazers with a relentless work ethic, and so much more. To have a 360 moment is to enjoy the fruits of our labor, and there's always someone watching and observing trying to reinvent the will and pass the torch.
Perks of being honored: CEO Guest Panel Q&A, including Honorable Judges, Business CEOs, Political Speakers, NFL Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Authors, Staff Associates, donations, gifts, gift cards, and more.
Reach One Teach One Recipients:​
Kipp Renaissance High School, 2017
recipients of " The Stop the Violence Highest Achievement Award."
- Honoree, Director, Mr. Lester Wilson.
Grace King High School, 2018
recipients of " Pandora's Box Highest Achievement Award."
- Honoree, Director Mr. Connor Murphy.
Raphael Academy, 2019- 2020
recipients of the "Be Yourself Idol Award."
- Honoree Teacher Mr. Philip Veneziano.
Each Honoree received different perks, including a mix of donations, balloons & gift baskets, spa gift cards, past donations on behalf of Styll Water, present donations on behalf of Liberty Alkaline, including a moment of awareness.
Possible Media coverage to shed light on the school, teachers, student body, and staff. Media allows the Honoree to share their story to the public, including hardships and achievements. We are making the public aware of how they can support a moment of recognition.

Blonka and her team have been helping us out, providing my husband and me with food and clothes. I love what her organization represents.
There's nothing she wouldn't do to help someone in need. My life will never be the same; many people walked past me as I was sleeping on the ground time and time again under the Claiborne bridge. Many times I was robbed and couldn't sleep; my clothes and food were stolen. Blonka is a hero, and her team is the blessing that answered my PRAYERS. God Bless and thank you for everything you have done to help us.
- Lisa & Louis